Two new faces. Kure and Køhnke to Kemp & Kjær. Nordic PR merges with Kemp & Kjær.

Many slices to cut this news into, but the reality is: Sarah Køhnke and Malthe Kure have joined Kemp & Kjær, and all four of us are super happy about it.

Nordic PR joins Kemp & Kjær

Sarah adds her agency, Nordic PR – i.e. network, experience, crazy creativity and exceptional expertise in automotive, medico, hospitality, destinations and lifestyle.

Both business and politics

Malthe is a shooting star in the PR sky, and as a senior advisor with partner ambitions, he draws on several years of experience from various Danish agencies – and most recently the Ministry of Business and Industry. He delivers overview, business understanding and public affairs – creating results on both big and small stories; keeping a cool head and warm lines in a crisis. He will also help set the direction of the agency.

Continued ESG focus

Malthe and Sarah are very different but share the same PR craft and business acumen, and we look forward to bringing that broader palette into play with our clients.

Sarah and Malthe are another chapter in the new story that we started in spring 2023:

Kemp & Kjær as an ESG-focused PR agency with a huge global network to create PR in other countries for our clients. Leading transparency and efficiency in the PR industry.

And we have a great love for impact technology, because this is how we can make a significant contribution to a better world, even though our opportunities to influence through scope 1 and 2 are minimal.

To find out how we can help you and your organization, please contact Jakob Hessellund at or tel. 4038 4586.

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