The majority of the Danish parliament’s business spokespersons currently see labor shortage as the biggest business challenge. This underlines why you should start employer branding long before you hire a recruiter or publish a job posting.
1. Identify the important media
You know your target audience and can use this to identify relevant media. It can be rewarding to be featured in the broader media, but if you’re looking for programmers, it’s more relevant to be mentioned in Version2 and Computerworld. The narrower the target group, the easier it is to find the right media.
Shortcut: CPH Post is a hugely popular media in the Danish expat community, and student magazines can reach your exact target audience.
2. Tell the good stories
You probably have several relevant stories in your company. Which story to tell depends on the company and the medium – and the candidates you’re looking for. There can be a big difference between what attracts a programmer and a salesperson.
Shortcut: Follow the advice in the shortcut to column space post.
3. Speak up for yourself
For many, the company’s ‘purpose’ is central to job satisfaction – and workplace choice. If you stand out by speaking up for a cause, you can become known to the core of enthusiasts you need to attract.
Some companies have an obvious case to make, while others have to search for it. There’s nothing wrong with speaking on a niche issue – it’s easier to get speaking time if there isn’t already a chorus of debaters. Read more here.
Shortcut: Is there a commentator in your field who says all the right things? Contact them – maybe they’ll use your company as a good example next time.
4. Remember the name news
It’s one of the simplest ways to draw attention to a company. If you work in a niche industry and you read about new hires and company anniversaries in the industry magazine, over time you will associate the company with growth and development.
Shortcut: Create a template with name, image and text snippet for new employees to fill out, or assign it to an employee.
5. Back to school
If you’re looking for recent graduates, engage with the university community so they hear about you during the program. There is often a need for e.g. guest lecturers, mentors or case companies. So reach out and tell them about yourself – you might learn something too.
Shortcut: Get in touch with a teacher in a relevant program and see if you can contribute.
6. Invite a visit
If you want to give potential employees an impression of the workplace, let them visit you. Hold an event with lectures or open the Friday bar once in a while.
Shortcut: Invite people to events you’re already hosting or drop the host role and participate as a speaker at events for your target audience. Read how to host a great event.
7. Be creative
You can take an alternative and creative approach to employer branding – and it can even lead to media coverage. You can create a job posting that sticks out inspired by this housing ad, or a hackathon or a day as a CEO trainee can be ways to capture interest.
Shortcut: Create a handheld video for social media where the CEO talks about the company and what you are looking for.
8. Use social media
When some of the above efforts succeed, it can become powerful content for social media. You can also use social media to promote yourself on a regular basis – perhaps by letting employees take over your accounts and show the job at eye level.
Shortcut: Create an Employee Advocacy strategy where one employee is responsible for reminding other employees to share content from your account. For example, on LinkedIn. Also read concrete advice.
Bonus: Include employer branding in your general PR
If you’re already working on getting in the media, it can also pay off in employer branding. When you have a good story in one media outlet, a niche media outlet for your potential employees might also write the story. You can also use social media to make sure that that particular professional group will be exposed to your story.
So remember that potential employees can also be a target group in your general PR.
If you need help or input on the most profitable bets, write to Mark and Jakob.