Mark Benfeldt Kjær


Tech & IT, stakeholders & issue management, finance

Experienced press advisor with political acumen

Mark Kjær is a co-founder of Kemp & Kjær and has several years of experience with PR in the intersection of business and society.

+45 4142 3635

Broad background

Mark holds an MSc in Political Communication & Management and has previously worked in the PR and PA department at Advice. His career also includes experience as a media analyst at Infomedia and as an election campaign coordinator at the Danish party Radikale Venstre, before joining forces with Jakob Kemp Hessellund and founding the agency.

Mark keeps the tab high on the ongoing press contact with solid pitching and a strong network among business journalists.

Preparation is key to success.

He draws on his political flair and knowledge of election campaigns when solving PR tasks for companies that need to influence the public opinion. In addition, he is a member of a Rotary club for business leaders, where he follows business trends, provides feedback to growth companies, and helps with local social initiatives.

Write to Mark

The mountains are calling

In his private life, Mark is often out in nature hiking, running or cycling, and likes to include a mountain peak while travelling if possible. Family is important to him, and he plays football and attaneds judo class with his son.

Contact Mark