Northern PR Network gathers in Sweden

Always great to meet!

PR wall at

KK-generated PR adorns the wall at We look forward to filling in the gaps!

Guide to international tech media

Here is a list of the biggest, most important and influential tech media, which we…

Kemp & Kjær’s Nordic PR network in Huset Markedsføring

Markedsfø New Nordic PR network is born

Kemp & Kjær’s Nordic PR network in Bureaubiz

Bureaubiz: New PR agency takes initiative for new Nordic network

PR Coordinator for Nordic Growth Hackers

At the end of January, Edmund Ingham, writer for Forbes, was in Copenhagen to cover…

Kemp & Kjær sponsor of the Nordic Startup Awards

We are happy to have partnered with the Nordic Startup Awards, where we will also…

Nichlas Bjerring Larsen is new intern at Kemp & Kjær

Kemp & Kjær has a new intern. Nichlas is studying Danish at the University of…

Søren Vesterager Pedersen new student assistant at Kemp & Kjær

Kemp & Kjær has a new student assistant. Søren is studying for cand.merc. (kom) at…

Kemp & Kjær received a visit from Forbes

A journalist from Forbes stopped by Kemp & Kjær’s office to cover the Danish startup…

Housewarming at Kemp & Kjær September 25, 2015

After a long collaboration, Kemp & Kjær ApS has become a reality. Mark Benfeldt Kjær…