  • The more and more precise information you write, the better the result.
  • The language you type in is the language the AI writes the press release in.
  • Reload the page if you have any problems – but remember that your entries will disappear if you do.
  • NB: The result typically needs some tender love and care to be completely finished.

Name of the sender of the press release(*): Purpose of the press release (e.g. new product, service, event, etc.)(*): Target audience (e.g. customer type, investors, citizens, tech enthusiasts)(*): Core message (the most important information that the reader should take away)(*): Extra details (e.g. statistics or trends that support your point): Names and titles of those to be cited: What the quotes should be about: Call to action (e.g. “read more at this link” or “find the product at X”): About the company (Describe your company in a few words. For example, insert text from the “about” section of the company website here)(*): Contact information (e.g. press coordinator or CEO for possible interview):

I understand that the information I enter will be shared with OpenAI via Kemp & Kjær’s API at OpenAI, where ChatGPT will write a press release for me. Kemp & Kjær also gets access to the information and has the right to contact you for marketing purposes
