Online visibility, content, social media and being easily found on search engines are all important today. PR helps your digital visibility significantly.
Press coverage in digital news media such as, and are highly suitable for sharing on social media and can get your website higher in Google search results because Google considers news media to be credible sources.
Social is stronger than journalism
- When web users see their friends highlighting products or brands, it can influence whether they choose to do business with that brand.
- User behavior can be analyzed: You can track whether they come from Facebook, Google, an ad, a news clip. And how they move around the company website. What can be measured can be controlled.
- It’s lightning fast to share and change and optimize network communication.
That’s why digital presence must be part of your communication strategy.
Kemp & Kjær focuses on the synergies of targeting traffic through PR efforts and creating ongoing content on platforms and content SEO.
And if that was gibberish, contact us and get online so you can feel it on your bottom line.

Contact Jakob Kemp Hessellund | +45 4038 4586