Kemp & Kjær is one of the first agencies in Denmark to focus on sustainability in PR and communication, while also being dedicated to incorporating ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) principles into our practice.
Read more about it in our ESG report.
We see it as our role to facilitate communication around these complex but crucial topics of our time, and have a ‘three-in-one’ package solution for impact businesses that are making a positive difference in the world.
Words have power, and words must be followed up with action. Especially when it comes to tackling some of the biggest challenges of our time: climate change and the need for a more sustainable world.
From words to action
We always start our work by ensuring that the high ambitions our customers want to communicate are supported by solid data and transparent processes. And we strive to ensure that there is a genuine desire for change behind the words.
In our impact technology work, we help companies communicate their work with technologies that can have a significant positive impact on society and the environment.

Contact Jakob Kemp Hessellund | +45 4038 4586
Avoid greenwashing: Sustainability communication must be precise
Effective sustainability communication can strengthen a brand’s reputation, engage stakeholders and drive positive change. At Kemp & Kjær, we work to make this communication as clear and meaningful as possible.
A classic marketing approach can easily result in accusations of greenwashing, especially after the Consumer Ombudsman sent notable injunctions to a number of companies in 2022 that have far-reaching consequences for sustainability communication.
Sustainability is about leaving the world in at least as good a condition for future generations as the one we inherited. This is how the Consumer Ombudsman understands it in Denmark, and it’s a strict interpretation that means that a huge number of companies claiming to be sustainable are in violation of marketing law.
We have written about this in Børsen.
Be open and honest
Sustainability is a shared responsibility and every business can make a difference. It can be challenging to know where to start, but we’re here to guide and support businesses in their efforts to become more sustainable.
Be honest and don’t be afraid to admit there are problems. The most important thing is that you take them seriously. It’s nice – but conversely, it can seem unsympathetic when a company loudly proclaims that they are now working with sustainability if they are just getting started. Unless you’re honest about where you are. It’s a balancing act that requires training, and one that we can help you find.
Our work with sustainability and ESG principles spans from PR and communication to working with impact technology. Our mission is to help impact businesses go global and communicate their successes, inspiring others to make the world a more sustainable place.
Opting out of “black” companies
As a PR agency working with sustainability and ESG principles, we expect our clients to take responsibility and actively work to create positive change. This includes both minimizing their environmental impact and creating inclusive workplaces. That’s why we also opt out of working with some companies.
Learn what a PR agency can do for your sustainability communication
Let’s talk about your potential and pitfalls. Write to Mark Kjær at or call +45 4142 3635. Our PR agency is located in the railway town of Copenhagen SV, close to Fisketorvet.

Contact Mark Benfeldt Kjær | +45 4142 3635