What is return-on-investment in PR? Higher share price. Says Per Hansen.

Men PR alene gør det ikke. Læs hvad Nordnet’s investeringsøkonom siger om det.

Vi bliver ofte spurgt af især højvækstvirksomheder, hvad ROI (return-on-investment) er på PR. Altså gevinsten. Tilbagebetalingen på det man investerer i PR.

Svaret afhænger selvsagt af konteksten. Alt efter virksomhed har PR vidt forskellig betydning. Men her i marts 2023 satte Per Hansen i Millionærklubben ord på:

Kommunikation er afgørende for aktiekursen og finansieringsmulighederne.

(Se link og citat nedenfor).

Og ja, det er en af de ROI-faktorer, vi plejer at nævne, og jeg er enig i, at ultimativt er aktiekursen den suverænt største faktor. Veleksekveret PR over 3-5 år kan forøge aktiekursen 5-10-20 gange. Det er for de fleste en temmelig vild ROI i fht hvad man investerer i PR.

Værditilvæksten skyldes især disse tre faktorer:

1) Mere hype om firmaet betyder, at flere er interesseret i at være medejere, og det driver kursen op. Ukendte virksomheder har sjældent flere interesserede købere.

2) Salg af virksomhedens produkter bliver nemmere: Flere vil gerne købe og til en højere pris, fordi det er en kendt virksomhed, som man stoler på og gerne vil forbindes med.

3) Dygtige medarbejdere tilvælger virksomheden, fordi den er kendt som en succes.

Skal vi så ikke bare skynde os at få noget omtale?

Værdien kommer ikke af presseomtale alene, det starter indefra.

God presseomtale skaber ikke i sig selv bedre produkter, god kundeservice, sunde værdier, bæredygtighed. Men det bliver måske nemmere at få folk til at performe og have hjertet med, når virksomheden er offentligt kendt for noget godt. Så man står op hver dag og glæder sig til at bidrage til det gode, som virksomheden står for.

Men hvis ikke man fortæller omverdenen om de gode ting, man gør, så er der ikke nogen der ved det, og så kommer værditilvæksten og den gode spiral ikke.

Vi kan også kalde det “branding” – og der skal man huske, at dit brand defineres ikke som det, du fortæller, men som den opfattelse, folk har. Hvis ikke der er overensstemmelse, skal du gøre en ekstra indsats.


Hvis din virksomhed lever nogle gode værdier, leverer på et stærkt brand promise – og fortæller om det til verden – så kan du forvente en kraftig stigning i værdien af selskabet, når du skal rejse penge eller sælge i en exit.

Hvordan får man så god PR?

Alt er PR: Stillingsannoncer, Linkedinopslag, jeres annoncer, årsregnskabet, produktlanceringer – alt er PR og bør tænkes ind i PR og vice versa.

Proaktiv PR og god presseomtale skabes især ved:
– Medieomtaler af alt muligt, i erhvervsmedier, fagmedier, branchemedier etc.
– Linkedin / blog posts
– I udtaler jer som eksperter
– Debat / holdninger

PR handler ikke kun om flagskibsmedier som Børsen, JP og Berlingske. Tænk det ind overalt: Alt hvad I gør, sender et signal til omverdenen om, hvad I står for.

Kontakt Jakob+45 4038 4586 eller skriv til jh@kempkjaer.dk, hvis I vil have hjælp til at komme ud med jeres budskaber – vi starter med at afklare strategi, muligheder og historier.

Og hvad var det så Per Hansen sagde?

Ifølge Nordnets investeringsøkonom Per Hansen, der d. 27. marts 2023 var i Millionærklubbens podcast, befinder vi os “i en verden hvor finansielle nyheder bliver slynget omkring sig med en hastighed vi ikke har set tidligere” med “rigtig meget momentumhandel, mange der køber dét, der stiger, og sælger dét, der falder, og så bliver det selvforstærkende”.

Når finansielle nyheder “slynges rundt med den hastighed (…) stiller det helt overordnet nogle ekstreme krav til ledelser og bestyrelser” (…) “for der er rigtig mange (…) som ikke forstår, at det er helt afgørende, at aktiekursen på ethvert tidspunkt, afspejler den (læs: selskabets) underliggende værdi, og hellere lidt over end lidt under. For hvis man lige pludselig kommer ud i en situation hvor man (læs: et analyseselskab) får lavet sådan en analyse, hvor nogen siger, at “her snyder I lidt på vægtskålen” eller andre ting, så kan det godt være, at det om 3, 6 eller 9 måneder bliver tilbagevist – men skaden er sket.

Det er derfor, hvis et selskab får brug for kapital, så skal aktiekursen være så høj som muligt – og aktiekursen skal afspejle de underliggende værdier. Og rigtig mange virksomheder forstår det simpelthen ikke, og ledelserne og bestyrelserne forstår desværre for lidt af det. Og der er jeg lidt nervøs for at vi ikke – når vi på samme tidspunkt ser nogen, der bliver lidt mere aggressive i deres kommunikation – ser et kompetenceløft fra ledelser og bestyrelser, som godt ved, at det her kun styrker behovet for at være meget skarp.”

Citatet starter efter 25 minutter her:

Foundations that provide funding and grants for green projects – Denmark and EU

There are several foundations and funding schemes that Danish companies can apply to for activities that create a greener and more sustainable world. With the list below you will find an overview of grants for green projects.

Companies can benefit from applying for foundations because, in addition to financial support and funding for projects, you can gain access to knowledge, expertise and networks that can help you develop and implement green projects more efficiently.

Finally, support from foundations can also increase visibility and credibility, which can strengthen a company’s reputation and image.

We’ve gathered some of the most important ones here. The list is long, so we reserve the right to assume that some may be outdated or the link is incorrect.

Updated June 12, 2023. Write to us if something is missing or needs to be changed.

Help with funding applications? We know someone who is really good at it. Drop us a lineand we’ll put you in touch with the right people.

The list: Grants and subsidies for green projects

Export and Investment Fund of Denmark (EIFO)

A result of the merger of the state bodies Danish Growth Fund, Export Credit Denmark and the Green Investment Fund to create a fund with even stronger muscles. They say they are Danish companies’ single point of access to risk tolerant government funding, working to support the business successes that can make Denmark richer and the world greener.


Environmental Technology Development and Demonstration Program (MUDP)MUDP is a grant scheme that supports the development and demonstration of new environmental technologies and solutions in Denmark. The program focuses on promoting innovation and sustainability in companies and society as a whole.


Denmark’s Green Investment FundThe fund is now merged with Vækstfonden and EKF Export Credit Denmark (see under EIFO) and is a government fund that supports investments in green technologies and projects in Denmark. The fund aims to promote the green transition in Denmark and can, for example, support companies that develop and implement sustainable energy solutions.


The Innovation Fund: Innovation Fund Denmark supports research and innovation in Danish companies and research institutions. The fund has a number of programs that can support companies with a focus on climate and the environment, including energy and environmental technologies and industrial research and development. Check out the programs Missionsbooster, Innobooster and Innofounder, among others.


RealDaniaRealDania is a philanthropic organization that supports projects and initiatives that make Denmark a better place to live and work. The organization focuses on sustainability and climate and can support companies working with green transition and sustainable development.


The Climate FundThe Climate Fund is a private foundation that supports initiatives and projects that can reduce CO2 emissions and promote sustainability. The purpose of the fund is to contribute to the green transition and can, for example, support companies with financing for green projects.


Denmark’s Green Future Fund

In 2020, Denmark’s Green Future Fund was adopted in the Finance Act to support national and global green transition, including the development and dissemination of technologies, the conversion of energy systems to renewable energy, storage and efficient use of energy, etc. and the promotion of global export of green technology, especially within wind.


Environmental and climate technology 2022 aims to reduce the environmental impact of primary agricultural production. In addition, the scheme has one focus area with the aim of improving animal welfare.


Green Development and Demonstration Program (GUDP)Green Development and Demonstration Program (GUDP) supports innovative projects that promote green and economic sustainability in agriculture, fisheries, aquaculture and the food industry. GUDP is led by a minister-appointed board of directors and its members are business professionals from across the food sector. The program is part of the Danish Agricultural Agency in the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries.



Arkaia is an independent impact investor and developer driving innovation in sustainable and resilient food for the world through research grants, venture capital and development.


KR Foundation

KR Foundation supports projects that have a positive impact on the climate and environment and supports projects where neither governments nor market players have incentives to act. KR Foundation’s grants typically range from DKK 2m to DKK 5m with a duration of up to approximately 3 years. Currently, the current priority themes are divesting from fossil fuels and reinvesting in sustainability and eliminating fossil fuel subsidies. They do not accept unsolicited applications.


Psst: We’re a PR agency with a focus on greentech. Read our ESG report here and our 3-in-1 impact technology PR package here.

Links to overviews of foundations and funding schemes

Environmental Protection Agency grant schemes

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency has a wide range of grant schemes that aim to support different types of environmental activities. Find an overview here.


The Danish Energy Agency’s subsidy and support schemes:

Overview of all support schemes for renewable energy and new energy technologies.

Among other things: The EUDP program (https://ens.dk/ansvarsomraader/forskning-udvikling/eudp), a funding scheme from the Danish Energy Agency that supports the development and demonstration of new energy technologies. The program can support companies with funding for renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy system integration projects.


Government Grant PoolsThe state of Denmark has various subsidy schemes, which can also be found via statens-tilskudspuljer.dk, where you can search for “green”, for example, and find more options. It is managed by the Danish Agency for Economic and Financial Affairs.


Technology Development: Teknologiudvikling.dk is a private portal that was founded to make an opaque market for public funding schemes more accessible to the business community. It’s a free service that brings together information about funding schemes and gives you an overview of deadlines.


Are you unsure if you dare to do PR and get press coverage for your positive results from the ESG report? Then read here.

EU funds and support schemes

European Innovation Council (EIC): The EIC supports innovative projects and businesses in the EU by providing funding and advice. There are also opportunities to apply for funding for projects that promote sustainable technologies and solutions.


EU LIFE program: The EU LIFE program supports initiatives and projects that contribute to environmental protection, nature conservation and sustainable development. For example, the program can support companies with funding for innovative environmental technologies and solutions.


Horizon Europe: Horizon Europe is the largest EU program for research and innovation, offering funding for innovative projects that can contribute to the green transition. The program also supports partnerships between companies, research institutions and other organizations.


European Investment BankThe European Investment Bank (EIB) is the public bank for the EU and offers financing for investments in projects that can contribute to sustainable development and climate goals. The EIB can support businesses with loans, guarantees and other financial instruments.


European Investment Fund (EIF): The EIF is part of the European Investment Bank (EIB) and supports the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and innovative start-ups in the EU. The EIF also has programs that focus on environmentally friendly and sustainable projects.


Interreg Europe: The Interreg program supports transnational, transregional and interregional cooperation projects in a number of themes, including environment and sustainability. The program can provide funding for projects that promote a green and sustainable economy.


European Energy Efficiency Fund (EEEF): EEEF supports energy efficiency and renewable energy projects that can reduce CO2 emissions. The fund focuses primarily on projects in Central and Eastern Europe, but Danish companies can also apply.


European Sustainable Development Fund Plus (ESDF+)ESDF+ finances projects that contribute to sustainable development in the EU and other countries. In particular, the foundation supports projects that promote environmental protection and climate impact.


European Maritime and Fisheries FundEuropean Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) is a fund that supports the maritime sector in the EU and contributes to sustainable development and protection of the marine environment. The fund’s focus areas include sustainable fisheries, aquaculture and marine environmental protection. EMFF can support companies in the maritime sector with funding for green projects and innovation.


European Social Fund Plus (ESF+)ESF+ supports projects that aim to improve employment and social inclusion in Europe. They also provide opportunities to apply for funding for projects that promote green and sustainable growth.


European Fund for Regional Development (ERDF)The ERDF supports the development of regions in the EU and invests in projects that can generate economic growth and job creation. There are also opportunities to apply for funding for projects that contribute to sustainable urban development and green technologies.


The list is made by Kemp & Kjær. Our PR agency focuses on sustainability communication, among other things. You might also want to read our post on communicating about regenerative business.