Get a job in a PR agency: The path to working in public relations

A job in the PR industry means fast-paced and flexible work-life balance. But if you want to work in a PR agency in Copenhagen, for example, you should also be a Copenhagen resident.

If you have no practical experience with PR, read books about it! Preferably about journalism, as you’ll be talking to journalists a lot. Photo: Ben White, Unsplash.

Do you dream of working as a PR consultant in a PR agency? It can be an exciting and challenging career path for those who want to work in communications, media and stakeholder management. It’s also one of the fastest ways to gain lots of experience, as you’ll typically work with multiple customers from different industries. But the pace can also be fast and the demands are often high.

And because the pressure can be high in the PR industry, there is often a focus on work-life balance, and PR consultants in most agencies are allowed to work from home if the child needs to go to the doctor or whatever else gets in the way. This has been the case even before the corona crisis. However, it’s extremely rare for consultants to work 100% from home, so if you want to work in a PR agency in Copenhagen, for example, it’s best to be based in Copenhagen.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some important steps on the path to working in a PR agency and thriving in the industry. Whether you’re in training, a recent graduate or an experienced professional looking to make a career change, these tips and strategies are relevant to you.

Fun fact: There are many PR agencies based in Copenhagen, where easy access to meetings with authorities, politicians and organizations has traditionally been a high priority.

Build a strong foundational knowledge of PR
Before diving into applying for a job at a PR agency, it’s important to have a solid understanding of what PR entails. Read books, take online courses or attend workshops to learn basic PR theories and practices. The more you know about the PR industry, its trends and challenges, the better prepared you will be to impress during job interviews.

PR agencies are different – find the one that suits you
PR agencies can specialize in everything from classic product PR to political advocacy and in a wide range of industries, where knowledge can be an advantage. Our PR agency in Copenhagen specializes in B2B impact technology as well as IT and scaleups, so being a tech enthusiast with a business mindset can be an advantage.

Gain practical experience through internships
Hands-on experience is essential in the PR world. Apply for internships at PR agencies to build your experience and understanding of the industry. While it may be unpaid or paid less, internships are a great way to learn about the reality of the work and gain insight into the day-to-day operations of the agency. It can also lead to full-time employment if you impress with your effort and commitment. Show enthusiasm for being part of the team and take a humble approach to the tasks, take pride in the “bread and butter tasks” such as media monitoring, and don’t expect to be strategizing for large corporations right away. But every once in a while, ask if you can take on a more challenging task. It gives you bonus points.

Develop your communication skills
Communication is at the heart of the PR industry, so strong communication skills are essential. Work on improving your written, but also your oral communication skills – including the ability to write clear and compelling press releases, present ideas effectively and build good relationships with customers and the media.

Other essential skills that earn points are:

  • Customer service: PR is all about making customers happy so they stay customers. You can be the best story writer in the world, but if you’re pissing off customers, don’t expect a career as a PR consultant.
  • Sales: Since a large part of the job is selling story ideas to journalists, it’s an advantage if you have, for example, telephone sales on your CV.
  • General IT skills: They are essential. Without a solid foundation in IT skills, you’re seen as a bit of a dinosaur. Social media, Word, Google Docs, PowerPoint, Zoom, MS Teams, intranet time tracking, etc. are a must.
  • WordPress and SEO: If you can edit the content of a website and tweak it for keyword optimization, the agency feels confident that you’ll always have something to do – even if it’s at a standstill around Christmas or the summer months, when there can often be a little respite.
  • Political communication: PR is closely related to public affairs, and sometimes assignments arise where clients need to engage with authorities, so any political experience, such as stakeholder mobilization or political campaigning, is a big plus.

Stay up to date with the latest PR trends and technologies
The PR industry is constantly evolving and it’s important to stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies in the field. Follow relevant blogs, read PR publications and be aware of how social media, artificial intelligence and digital platforms affect PR practices. Show interest in and knowledge of the latest tools and methods as this can differentiate you in the job application process. ChatGPT and similar AI services are on the rise, so mastering such tools will be a definite advantage.

Build your professional network
As in other industries, your professional network can be an asset if you’re looking for a job as a PR consultant. For example, use social media sites like LinkedIn to connect with PR agency professionals and attend relevant professional and networking events. Be active in online discussions and participate in PR-related forums. The larger your network, the more likely you are to hear about job opportunities and get recommendations.

Working in a Copenhagen PR agency like ours, as well as others, requires a combination of education, experience and the right skills. By building a strong foundational knowledge of PR, building a professional network, gaining practical experience, developing your communication skills and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, you can increase your chances of landing an exciting position in a PR agency. Always remember to be persistent, committed and enthusiastic during your job search journey. Good luck to you!

What is regenerative business and how to communicate it without greenwashing?

Sustainability has been the buzzword in business for the past decade. But recently, a new word has taken off. Now we have to be “regenerative”, but do you dare to communicate about it after the Consumer Ombudsman’s many orders to companies for greenwashing?

Photo: There is a new regenerative movement underway in agriculture, where more people are looking to use different techniques to, among other things, make the soil capture more CO2.

What does it mean for companies to be regenerative and what should corporate press and marketing departments be aware of when communicating about it?

First, consider the definition of sustainable

It’s easier to understand the meaning behind regenerative if you start with the word “sustainable”. Here we take the Consumer Ombudsman’s understanding of the term, which comes from the Brundtland report where the term was defined. This definition has led to a large number of companies being accused of greenwashing since 2022 (and there are almost certainly many, many more at risk of criticism).

Do you have a greentech business? Then our PR agency may be able to help you.

The definition simplified:

A product or company can call itself sustainable if it can get external proof that it does not harm future generations.

This means, for example, that it must have zero CO2 emissions, zero use of chemicals – even no driving to and from meetings, as that means no CO2 in the atmosphere (even electric cars need to be charged with 100% renewable energy if they are to last. And what about the production of the car in the first place?) In principle, the lunch must be picked from the garden, where no pesticides are used, if the company is to meet the definition. Unless, for example, the company plants a lot of trees to compensate.

This is a rather strict interpretation of the word sustainable, but it is the interpretation we should get used to after the Consumer Ombudsman’s tightened practice.

But what can you say?

It’s okay to say that your company is undertaking sustainability initiatives, as long as it’s actually doing it. But calling your company or product sustainable in a general sense is not okay in 99.99% of all cases. This is considered a breach of marketing law (but note that future rulings may change this interpretation).

Read more about sustainability communication here.

So what is regenerative?

Regenerative business is about more than being sustainable. It’s about rebuilding and regenerating natural resources and social systems, instead of focusing only on minimizing negative impacts.

This is a significant change from the previous approach, which for years viewed sustainability as a burden or something that only needed to be implemented to comply with rules and regulations.

But becoming regenerative is not an easy task. It requires a fundamental shift in business practices and a deep understanding of the systemic implications of a company’s operations, its product lifecycle and its choice of suppliers. Companies must not only limit their negative impact, but also contribute positively to, for example, the climate, while running a business that doesn’t make a loss.

An example of a regenerative measure could be increasing the number of naturally occurring plateaus in a forest to capture more CO2 and increase biodiversity.

How do you communicate about sustainable and regenerative initiatives?

The Consumer Ombudsman’s strict interpretation of sustainability has caused several companies to slow down their sustainability communication. But it shows that they haven’t quite understood what it means, because you can communicate legally about sustainability initiatives if you do it in a balanced way.

Regenerative initiatives can give a boost to a company’s image, but marketing and PR teams need to be very careful not to just slap “regenerative” on products as a new buzzword to get attention. There must be a genuine commitment to changing the way the company operates and making a positive contribution to the world.

If the word “regenerative” is used in marketing, the company must be able to provide documentation that it delivers a net-positive impact on the climate, and this must be confirmed by external consultants – typically via an LCA (life cycle analysis).

On the other hand, it is easier to communicate – e.g. in press releases – that you have ambitions to cultivate regenerative initiatives in your company and what those initiatives are. As long as the company is honest and aware of where it may be harming the environment and climate – and also informs about it.

Communication around regenerative initiatives must be transparent, honest and reliable. Companies need to be able to demonstrate that they “walk the talk”. They need to be able to prove that they are taking the necessary actions and investments to become regenerative – especially if it’s used in marketing.

See our overview of grants for green projects here.

ESG reporting documents companies’ actions

But how do you prove your company’s regenerative actions? It does this by regularly reporting on progress and results. In the future, this will typically be done through ESG reporting, which must be done through the financial statements, where the information is easily accessible to stakeholders and shows how the company contributes to rebuilding and regenerating natural resources and/or social systems.

It’s important to highlight that the transition to regenerative operations is a long-term process that requires long-term commitment. Companies need to communicate that they are committed to continuing their regenerative efforts for the long term, even when things get challenging.
This means that, so far, there are only a few companies worldwide that can truly call themselves regenerative.

Read our own ESG report here.


Becoming regenerative is more than just a buzzword or branding strategy. It’s a fundamental shift in how businesses operate and interact with the world around them. For PR teams, this means a change in how company actions and commitments are communicated. But with the right approach, regenerative operations can not only improve a company’s image, but also contribute positively to the world, and those who crack the code to do so profitably are likely to be hugely successful in the future.

Still unsure about what you can communicate about regenerative initiatives?

Give us a no-obligation call on +45 4142 3635 or write to and we can guide you on your way. Our expertise is PR and communication, and we may involve other consultants if the issue goes beyond our field.

Read more about our “3-in-1” solution for B2B impact technology, which our PR agency specializes in.

What is return-on-investment in PR? Higher share price. Says Per Hansen.

Men PR alene gør det ikke. Læs hvad Nordnet’s investeringsøkonom siger om det.

Vi bliver ofte spurgt af især højvækstvirksomheder, hvad ROI (return-on-investment) er på PR. Altså gevinsten. Tilbagebetalingen på det man investerer i PR.

Svaret afhænger selvsagt af konteksten. Alt efter virksomhed har PR vidt forskellig betydning. Men her i marts 2023 satte Per Hansen i Millionærklubben ord på:

Kommunikation er afgørende for aktiekursen og finansieringsmulighederne.

(Se link og citat nedenfor).

Og ja, det er en af de ROI-faktorer, vi plejer at nævne, og jeg er enig i, at ultimativt er aktiekursen den suverænt største faktor. Veleksekveret PR over 3-5 år kan forøge aktiekursen 5-10-20 gange. Det er for de fleste en temmelig vild ROI i fht hvad man investerer i PR.

Værditilvæksten skyldes især disse tre faktorer:

1) Mere hype om firmaet betyder, at flere er interesseret i at være medejere, og det driver kursen op. Ukendte virksomheder har sjældent flere interesserede købere.

2) Salg af virksomhedens produkter bliver nemmere: Flere vil gerne købe og til en højere pris, fordi det er en kendt virksomhed, som man stoler på og gerne vil forbindes med.

3) Dygtige medarbejdere tilvælger virksomheden, fordi den er kendt som en succes.

Skal vi så ikke bare skynde os at få noget omtale?

Værdien kommer ikke af presseomtale alene, det starter indefra.

God presseomtale skaber ikke i sig selv bedre produkter, god kundeservice, sunde værdier, bæredygtighed. Men det bliver måske nemmere at få folk til at performe og have hjertet med, når virksomheden er offentligt kendt for noget godt. Så man står op hver dag og glæder sig til at bidrage til det gode, som virksomheden står for.

Men hvis ikke man fortæller omverdenen om de gode ting, man gør, så er der ikke nogen der ved det, og så kommer værditilvæksten og den gode spiral ikke.

Vi kan også kalde det “branding” – og der skal man huske, at dit brand defineres ikke som det, du fortæller, men som den opfattelse, folk har. Hvis ikke der er overensstemmelse, skal du gøre en ekstra indsats.


Hvis din virksomhed lever nogle gode værdier, leverer på et stærkt brand promise – og fortæller om det til verden – så kan du forvente en kraftig stigning i værdien af selskabet, når du skal rejse penge eller sælge i en exit.

Hvordan får man så god PR?

Alt er PR: Stillingsannoncer, Linkedinopslag, jeres annoncer, årsregnskabet, produktlanceringer – alt er PR og bør tænkes ind i PR og vice versa.

Proaktiv PR og god presseomtale skabes især ved:
– Medieomtaler af alt muligt, i erhvervsmedier, fagmedier, branchemedier etc.
– Linkedin / blog posts
– I udtaler jer som eksperter
– Debat / holdninger

PR handler ikke kun om flagskibsmedier som Børsen, JP og Berlingske. Tænk det ind overalt: Alt hvad I gør, sender et signal til omverdenen om, hvad I står for.

Kontakt Jakob+45 4038 4586 eller skriv til, hvis I vil have hjælp til at komme ud med jeres budskaber – vi starter med at afklare strategi, muligheder og historier.

Og hvad var det så Per Hansen sagde?

Ifølge Nordnets investeringsøkonom Per Hansen, der d. 27. marts 2023 var i Millionærklubbens podcast, befinder vi os “i en verden hvor finansielle nyheder bliver slynget omkring sig med en hastighed vi ikke har set tidligere” med “rigtig meget momentumhandel, mange der køber dét, der stiger, og sælger dét, der falder, og så bliver det selvforstærkende”.

Når finansielle nyheder “slynges rundt med den hastighed (…) stiller det helt overordnet nogle ekstreme krav til ledelser og bestyrelser” (…) “for der er rigtig mange (…) som ikke forstår, at det er helt afgørende, at aktiekursen på ethvert tidspunkt, afspejler den (læs: selskabets) underliggende værdi, og hellere lidt over end lidt under. For hvis man lige pludselig kommer ud i en situation hvor man (læs: et analyseselskab) får lavet sådan en analyse, hvor nogen siger, at “her snyder I lidt på vægtskålen” eller andre ting, så kan det godt være, at det om 3, 6 eller 9 måneder bliver tilbagevist – men skaden er sket.

Det er derfor, hvis et selskab får brug for kapital, så skal aktiekursen være så høj som muligt – og aktiekursen skal afspejle de underliggende værdier. Og rigtig mange virksomheder forstår det simpelthen ikke, og ledelserne og bestyrelserne forstår desværre for lidt af det. Og der er jeg lidt nervøs for at vi ikke – når vi på samme tidspunkt ser nogen, der bliver lidt mere aggressive i deres kommunikation – ser et kompetenceløft fra ledelser og bestyrelser, som godt ved, at det her kun styrker behovet for at være meget skarp.”

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Global PR? Basics are the same

Face-to-face meetings are still the best, although lockdown moved a lot of meetings to video. The heat in Dubai certainly can’t be transmitted via Zoom, and we enjoyed two days in the company of colleagues from GlobalCom PR Network.

In October, we met a number of the more than 80 agencies who, like us, are members of the GlobalCom PR Network at the annual conference, this time held in Dubai.

Read more